Wednesday, July 9, 2008

maybe it's time for me to get a better duty!

yeah, i just got home from work. it was a long night, and i think that it was full of many discoveries that inspire me to be like nacho and to find a different job.
these discoveries are related based on the fact that it deals with the same issue. while at work i have three shadows. i have my regular shadow, that's normal, i expect it to be there.
shadow #1: this shadow is 200+ pounds, and not all muscle. whenever i have to work with codename "mountain man" i get to hear him talk about ridiculous things. he invited me to go motorcycle riding with him this weekend. i graciously declined that opportunity. whenever i have to work with him i hope that i'm upwind, because there is a stench that comes from him. it's not a smell, it's a stench. everybody at work has a smell because of the gross gloves that we have to wear, but there is something more to mountain man. in general i find him to be a nice guy except that his whole life revolves around banging the next chick and riding his motorcycle.
shadow #2: this shadow may not be 200+ pounds but he is a real handful. codename "D-man" is 19 and has issues. i was working with glue today, and i got some strands of glue caught on my pants. i was in the process of pulling them off when he asked if he could help. yeah. . . about that. . .i'm thinking it's a no go. nice kid, but he does believe in God, and he doesn't believe in God. that issue will have to be saved for another night.
i just woke up my grandpa, i got to go to bed or something like it. i love you all and peace out.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Sorry that work is crazy! I miss you and am sad that I won't get to see you when fall rolls around